There are several aspects of a trademark, and to mention a few, it identifies and distinguishes goods and services of one seller from that of the others, it indicates the source of goods and services, and it can be any word, name, symbol, device or combination of them to form a brand name.
A business can secure its identity, its commercial advantage and market position in the quickest manner and in the most cost effective way through trademark registration such at Business owners in several occasions are not able to come into realization that by using trademarks, they are securing their intellectual property rights. By registering a trademark, you are allowing your business to have the many exclusive rights that are solely of the business alone. Thus, it is important that as a business owner, you have some legal and commercial benefits in registering a trademark.
The main advantage of registering your trademark is exclusivity, which is the first way of protecting your brand rights through a logo or a name. By way of trademark registration, you will be preventing others from using a matching or similar mark or goods and services that are related since there will be verification of your official ownership. In cases of misrepresentation and breach of intellectual property rights, you are basically provided with protection which is unlimited.
Another important reason why you have to register your mark is to announce to the world that the trademark rights is legally yours. In other words, you can rightfully sue automatically somebody who you will find violating your rights. Further, if a third party uses your trademark without your permission, it would be easy for you to file legal action in federal court.
There will be an increase in the reputation of your business, and this is another advantage in registering your mark, for the reason that an early stage of promotion of your brand is crucial to the potential enhancement and success of your enterprise. By securing your brand by trademark Canada registration, you have a powerful and remarkable brand that has a legal foundation which is reliable for the reputation of your business to build upon in the market. By registering your brand, the life span of your business increases that would lead to the trust of your establishment among your customers.
A nationwide priority of your brand is said to be the most important advantage that your business can get by registering your trademark. Having a nationwide priority would mean extensive trademark protection, getting exclusive nationwide ownership, and in the securing of priority date for the future of your trademark.
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